Hey you, yes YOU - how are you holding up?

I can imagine that things aren't easy. We've faced and are still facing one of the biggest challenges the world has seen. And it's touching each one of us a bit differently.
I wanted to reassure you that it's okay if you feel stressed, fear, confused... It's fine if you feel a mix of emotions right now. You should not judge yourself and you don't need to get rid of any of these sensations that are coming up.
I am encouraging you to take all of these feelings in and to accept them fully. Maybe you can’t see it right nor, but all this will help you grow and make you stronger.
I usually write about nutrition in my blog posts but today I wanted to do something different, I've decided to share with you something that is important to me.
Having a Gratitude Practice

Ever heard about a gratitude practice? If you have awesome, and if you haven't I'll make it all simple for you 😊
Gratitude can be explained as being thankful for what we have and what we are given.
Gratitude focuses on what you have, not what you don't have. It brings you in a state of fulfillment, of wholeness. Understanding that whatever you have is exactly what you need right now.
Now let's get to the practice, you'll see it's so simple and easy - takes you less than 2 minutes but the results you will get are incredible.

Here's how it goes:
Take a small break from what you are doing right now. Yez, just press pause for a moment.
Centre yourself by closing your eyes and bring your focus to your breath.
Now, think of 3 things that you are grateful for. Only 3 small and simple things you are thankful to have. You can start this way: "Today I am grateful for...." .
I'll start first: I am grateful for my health, I am grateful for having food on the table every day, I am grateful for the extra time I’ve spent with my family during the lockdown.
You can write it down in a small journal and read it again during the day or before going to bed.
Every morning when you wake up, you can start your day with this practice.
You'll observe a massive shift in the way you see and experience life. Don't wait, start now, right now!
Having a daily practice of gratitude has turned my bad days into better ones and my good days into incredible days. Are you ready to see what gratitude can bring to you?
Gratitude has been shown to help with anxiety, grief and stress. It cost you nothing but the results are amazing. So just give it a try.

I wish you a beautiful journey into gratitude and contentment.
Light and love to you all,